martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Costura: Colcha de hexágonos de colores IV

Una nueva semana para mostraros lo que he estado cosiendo esta semana. También estuve arreglando un vestido para una boda a la que asistí este sábado pasado pero eso no es muy interesante ;)

Esta semana me ha dado para mucho, para mi asombro ya que creía que no había avanzado tanto.

A new week to show you what I have been sewing all this week. This week I was making alterations on a dress for a wedding I was assisting this past saturday, but that is no important at all.

And looking at pictures I was amazed that I sewed so much ;)

He empezado a formar los hexágonos en tonos marrones.

Some brown hexies.

Para este fin de semana me preparé otro bloque en tonos azules. Y conseguí acabarlo. Sólo me falta coserle los bordes blancos.

In the weekdays I sew rows of hexies and on the weekend I just finished the block sewing the rows together. Only left the white borders.

Los que si acabé fueron los bloques naranja y verde.

Another orange block ready.

And one green block finished.

Y aquí están los 7 bloques que llevo hasta ahora.

And those are the seven blocks I have just finished.

Estoy pensando en la forma en que acolcharé esta colcha y he decidido que voy a utilizar una técnica que en inglés se denomina, quilt as you go (no conozco el nombre en castellano). Aquí podeis ver un tutorial perfectamente explicado por Maureen Cracknell.

I was wondering how to quilt it and I am going to use the quilt-as-you-go technique using this tutorial by Maureen Cracknell.

Estoy enlazando esta entrada con el blog Life Under Quilts en su entrada Monday Morning Count.

I am linking to Monday Morning Count post on Life Under Quilts blog.

Saludos /Greetings

8 comentarios:

  1. I will have to follow this through to the end... I like the squares you have so far and am really nosy how they will look as a quilt.

  2. Me parece original, bonita, colorida y divertida

    Olé por tí y tus manos


  3. Those are all beautiful! I can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  4. Lovely!! Each block looks so strong, they will make a very bold quilt. Thanks for being part of the MMSC this summer!

  5. All of the blocks are very pretty, but I have to say, the blue is my favorite so far. Very nice!

  6. The orange is my favorite, but I love them all. I like the white borders, too.

  7. Beautiful. Wonderful! These are so pretty!


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